Monday, May 10, 2010

Re: objects_for_Sims2 GOS site closed!

Same address as before:  From what I understand, the new host is a temporary thing.  I believe they are planning on moving it onto one of Pescado's servers, as soon as Pes has made room for it.  That way, they'll never have to worry about the host closing the account just because of an allegation about 'hosting copyrighted material' again.
>Mary wrote:

>Thanks for letting us know!  By- the-by, Gos is back up & running!  They re-opened a >couple of days ago on a new (and cheaper) host.  Nice try, TSR....but once again, epic >FAIL.

>Melanie replied:

>That is good news. Do you know how we can get to it?

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