Monday, November 8, 2010

Re: objects_for_Sims2 your tips appreciated, please.

A sim child gets it's niceness points from it's parents. Nice parents make nice children, but some things can be "encouraged". Here's a link about sims personalities.

Kids are usually low on fun when they get home from school, so it's easier if you get their fun up before homework time.
 Also, make sure the child asks a parent or older child to "help with homework" through at least one whole homework paper. This will teach them how to study and makes homework faster/easier.


I sim, therefore I am.

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 8:59 PM, kiwiangel <> wrote:

hi fellow simmers,

i have two situations i'd appreciate help with please. both involve

1) how do i make a toddler a nice little one?   mine turn out to be
horrible little brats,
& frankly, i'd disown them if i could.

2) how can i make sims kids do their homework, even when they don't
want to, or don't feel
like it right now?  i had the shock of school age kids being taken by
the social worker, and i really
don't want to go there again.

i'm sure someone who is experienced with sims2 can give me some
guidance here.

have a nice day.

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