Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Junk Mail - THIS is not Junk Mail, its a query about it

Sounds like you've picked up a virus or worse. Run a virus scan.
You need to install and run a good anti-virus/malware and use an ad block. In fact I would use several of the free anti virus downloads you can get, some seem to catch what others don't. I also use "spybot search & destroy" also free.
You may want to warn your friends. Any of the mail sent using your address could be infected.

I sim, therefore I am.

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 6:02 AM, Owl Songster <> wrote:
Ok, i seem to be sending junkmail to myself??????  I'm in my own addressbook so i can BCC the other names if i mass-send out a joke.
So my question is... has anyone received junkmail from me??? and if you have... how the hell did this happen?  It means someone has hijacked my addressbook, obviously, but i don't know how or how to stop it.  Please let me know, and i stress its not coming from "me" but some weird hijack thing.  Nevertheless, if it is happening, i apologise.
Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE - OK, OK, "and" NEW ZEALAND *grins*



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