Friday, March 5, 2010

Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT a real life sims2

I was suckered into it too!  My friend sent it & of jumped on it  There was even a message that it it "real" (*yay Simmies of Facebook!!!*) but no game :(  was there.  I messaged her back & asked if it was real.  She replied that she didn't know for sure yet.  Moral of the story ~ I need to do some research of my own before clicking on anything...even if there are Sims on it.  LOL  Another moral ~ Friends mean well but that doesn't mean they know what they're doing.    :D

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Newman <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 4, 2010 5:03 pm
Subject: Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT a real life sims2

>ok its called sims social<
Oh.  :::big sigh of relief:::  Not the same thing as what I was warning about.  Sorry.  Ignore my previous ranting.....well, not completely.  There is a viral app out on Facebook that uses Sims & Sims 2 pics to lure you in.  So, to play it safe, message your friend who supposedly posted to your wall to make sure it's legit before clicking on the link.  How do I know?  I was suckered into it.   :\

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