Wednesday, March 31, 2010

RE: objects_for_Sims2 OT.............FW: Had to forward this one-just 2 pix

Looks like no-one else is having the same problem, so i doubt it has anything to do with this group.  Could be that they've banned everything from my provider, or it might be that my daughter's friend sent out something when she was here and on my puter.  More probably i sent some funny forward out and someone listed it as spam.  Yahoo just shunts it to the spam folder, but hotmail might take a more aggressive stance on spam listings.
Thank you all for you input!
Back to.. not-sending-anything-to-hotmail, lolz
You all take care

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE - OK, OK, "and" NEW ZEALAND *grins*

--- On Wed, 31/3/10, Christie <> wrote:

From: Christie <>
Subject: RE: objects_for_Sims2 OT.............FW: Had to forward this one-just 2 pix
Received: Wednesday, 31 March, 2010, 6:11 AM

I have been banned from registering on some websites just for having a gmail account. If a proportion of spam or abusive emails are sent from an IP address some places seem to ban everyone with the same IP.



From: [] On Behalf Of SuSim Hermit
Sent: 30 March 2010 16:25
Subject: Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT.............FW: Had to forward this one-just 2 pix


I believe you can send complaints about individual senders and/or the whole group.
That said, I know nothing about hotmail, except I hear a lot of complaints about it.

Why not just use google mail? I will send you an invitation if you need one.


I sim, therefore I am.

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