Wednesday, April 29, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: objects_for_Sims2

Sounds like you should reinstall to me. Sorry.


I sim, therefore I am.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:01 AM, lauren yates <> wrote:
hi I have the sims 2 pets but my friend installed nightlife and i unisnstalled nightlife and ever since that i cannot load the sims 2 pets

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objects_for_Sims2 RE: objects_for_Sims2

>>hi I have the sims 2 pets but my friend installed nightlife and i unisnstalled nightlife and ever since that i cannot load the sims 2 pets

Sounds awkward, to be honest I'd try and just save your games/lots and such and re-install for sure, but someone might have a better idea, so i'd hold off on that if I were you :)

Subject: objects_for_Sims2
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:01:56 +0100

hi I have the sims 2 pets but my friend installed nightlife and i unisnstalled nightlife and ever since that i cannot load the sims 2 pets

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hi I have the sims 2 pets but my friend installed nightlife and i unisnstalled nightlife and ever since that i cannot load the sims 2 pets

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: Fw: OT The Monks' Secret

haha thats cute☺thanx 4 sharing


From: Owl Songster <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:54:56 PM
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Fw: OT The Monks' Secret

Just had to share this with you all!!!  Made me laugh, hope it does the same for you!

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE



A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?





The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car. As the
man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound; a sound like no other that he has ever heard . The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, We can't tell you because you're not a monk.









The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway and goes about his merry way. Some years later, the same man breaks down in front of the same
m onastery.  




The monks again accept him, feed him, and even fix his car.



That night, he hears the same strange mesmerizing sound that he had heard years earlier.






The next morning, he asks what the sound was, but the monks reply,

We can't tell you because you're not a monk.





The man says, all right, all right. I'm dying to know.

If the only way I can find out what that sound was is to become a monk, how do I become a monk?


The monks reply, you must travel the earth and tell us how many blades of grass there are and the exact number of sand pebbles. When you find these numbers, you will become a monk.







The man sets about his task. Some forty-five years later, he returns and knocks on the door of the monastery. He says, I have travelled the earth and devoted my life to the task demanded and have found what you had asked for. There are 371,145,236,284,232 blades of grass and 231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles on the earth.






The monks reply, congratulations, you are correct, and you are now considered a monk .

We shall now show you the way to
the sound.






The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the head monk says, the sound is behind that door.











The man reaches for the knob, but the door is locked. He asks, May I have the key ?











The monks give him the key, and he opens the door.









Behind the wooden door is another door made of stone. The
man requests the key to the stone door.








The monks give him the key, and he opens it, only to find a door made of ruby. He demands another key from the monks, who provide it. Behind that door is another door, this one made of sapphire
. And so it went on until the man had gone through doors of emerald,...










>...silver, topaz, and amethyst.











Finally, the
monks say, This is the key to the last door .



















The man is relieved to be at the end. He unlocks the door, turns the knob, and behind that door he is astonished to find the source of that strange sound. It is truly an amazing and unbelievable sight









. . But I can't tell you what it is because you're not a monk. 













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objects_for_Sims2 Fw: OT The Monks' Secret

Just had to share this with you all!!!  Made me laugh, hope it does the same for you!

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE



A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?





The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car. As the
man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound; a sound like no other that he has ever heard . The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, We can't tell you because you're not a monk.









The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway and goes about his merry way. Some years later, the same man breaks down in front of the same
m onastery.  




The monks again accept him, feed him, and even fix his car.



That night, he hears the same strange mesmerizing sound that he had heard years earlier.






The next morning, he asks what the sound was, but the monks reply,

We can't tell you because you're not a monk.





The man says, all right, all right. I'm dying to know.

If the only way I can find out what that sound was is to become a monk, how do I become a monk?


The monks reply, you must travel the earth and tell us how many blades of grass there are and the exact number of sand pebbles. When you find these numbers, you will become a monk.







The man sets about his task. Some forty-five years later, he returns and knocks on the door of the monastery. He says, I have travelled the earth and devoted my life to the task demanded and have found what you had asked for. There are 371,145,236,284,232 blades of grass and 231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles on the earth.






The monks reply, congratulations, you are correct, and you are now considered a monk .

We shall now show you the way to
the sound.






The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the head monk says, the sound is behind that door.











The man reaches for the knob, but the door is locked. He asks, May I have the key ?











The monks give him the key, and he opens the door.









Behind the wooden door is another door made of stone. The
man requests the key to the stone door.








The monks give him the key, and he opens it, only to find a door made of ruby. He demands another key from the monks, who provide it. Behind that door is another door, this one made of sapphire
. And so it went on until the man had gone through doors of emerald,...










>...silver, topaz, and amethyst.











Finally, the
monks say, This is the key to the last door .



















The man is relieved to be at the end. He unlocks the door, turns the knob, and behind that door he is astonished to find the source of that strange sound. It is truly an amazing and unbelievable sight









. . But I can't tell you what it is because you're not a monk. 













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Monday, April 27, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: Help please

I think you select start, run, and type regetit just like that and it should bring up all the codes.

Mandy SN
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are .

--- On Mon, 4/27/09, TIM SIMPSON <> wrote:

Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Help please
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 11:20 AM

I know, I know I never call except when I have a problem.... LOL!!
I have a problem... have a new computer want to install all of my expansion packs but one of my kids has lost the books with the codes in them for several of the packs... Is there some way I can get these off of the other computer that still has the packs installed on it?
Sorry to bother... thanks for all your help in advance...

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objects_for_Sims2 Re: Help please

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 12:20:31 -0600
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Help please

I know, I know I never call except when I have a problem.... LOL!!
I have a problem... have a new computer want to install all of my expansion packs but one of my kids has lost the books with the codes in them for several of the packs... Is there some way I can get these off of the other computer that still has the packs installed on it?
Sorry to bother... thanks for all your help in advance...

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objects_for_Sims2 Help please

I know, I know I never call except when I have a problem.... LOL!!
I have a problem... have a new computer want to install all of my expansion packs but one of my kids has lost the books with the codes in them for several of the packs... Is there some way I can get these off of the other computer that still has the packs installed on it?
Sorry to bother... thanks for all your help in advance...

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me

Hi Owlsy, yes the same is happening here with the recession. Sealords ,the big fishing co here in Nelson has laid off its staff and taking the factory on its boats to harvest and fillet at sea.
Lots of job losses.
Only the apple season here is taking on pickers and not getting that many.
My daughters philysophical (spelling?) knowing theres others worse off than her.
 But not looking forward to the op all the same.
Travelling... its a trip I turned down a while ago.. I have got a few English friends, but they live here now..and they are pushing me to go. Once in a life time chance I guess. I would love to visit France. I used to take in International students  ( it was they,( Koreans) who set me up with the Sims) and had a few from France and would like to see them again.
Great  to chat with you.
Hope your health is improving....mine is only lack of excersize and lack of interest in it. Got a square bum from playing Sims, lol
cheersClick Me!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 25/04/2009 3:41:23 p.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me
Hey Ruby,
Yeah the recession is starting to hit, big firms putting off massive amounts of workers.  And they say it will get worse *sighs*.
Hey i hope you enjoy your trip.  I'm not much of a traveller, bit of a stay-at-home these days.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, hope they can do something about the cateract.  I know it will be wonderful for you to see her!

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE

--- On Sat, 25/4/09, Ruby <> wrote:

From: Ruby <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me
Received: Saturday, 25 April, 2009, 8:21 AM

Hey Owlsy, good on you... I guess the resessions hit OZ now, I'm in Nelson, been around abit due my ex being in the military, but came back here in 85
after we broke up.
Going to the UK for a 6 week trip in May, then over to Gold Coast to catch up with my daughter.
Looking forward to that. She's a tattooist, but has been told she has a cateract, all due to her being a chronic ashmatic and the
steriods from inhalers affecting her. 
Anzac today, just finished work. Cold & miserable looking outside, good time to spend on Simming
-------Original Message-------
Date: 23/04/2009 4:52:30 p.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me
Hiya Ruby,
I'm actually originally from New Zealand.  I was born in Hastings Memorial Hospital and raised in Havelock North.  I moved to Australia when i was 28, in Sydney, and five years later moved up here, northern New South Wales.  I've been in Australia 22 years now, and got citizenship about 19 years ago, so i'm a dual citizen of Australia and New Zealand.

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE

--- On Wed, 22/4/09, Ruby <> wrote:

From: Ruby <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me, plus a Sims question
Received: Wednesday, 22 April, 2009, 8:30 PM

Hey Owlsy great to see you back.
What part of Oz are you from.? I'm kiwi but my daughter lives in Gold Coast
I end up with a lot of problems when I download, so I tend to stick with what came with the game... keeps it simple, but boring.
I marvel at anyone who can master the download thingy.
I needed bunks for my extended family ,but got confused,
the site was Dutch I think and I could'nt get into the link to download the mesh...well, I could but could'nt understand the process. 
Hope you get an answer to your poser, i'll follow it through as it may help me as well
-------Original Message-------
Date: 22/04/2009 7:20:44 p.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 OT News about me, plus a Sims question
I'm here, thank you for your concern.
I have been sleeping an enormous amount, obviously need it as my body makes up the lost blood. 
I'm actually feeling pretty normal again, life is good.  My iron levels are good, the doctor said the only thing i need now is time.
I've been babysitting my daughter's dog, she's just been desexed and need supervision so she doesn't chew out the staples.  She's a lovely little thing, very energetic.  She is wearing one of those plastic things around her head to stop her chewing the stitches, but i think its a little small.  My daughter turns up every day when she has to go somewhere and leaves Iggy with me.  And this weekend is a long weekend here in Australia, so i will have Iggy and her brother Max for the weekend, Thursday to Sunday.  My cats are less than impressed with Iggy, i think they are gonna go spare with 2 dogs in residence.   They are getting used to Iggy, so i'm sure they will get used to Max too (as they plot their revenge against me).
As for the Sims, i did the saga of *take half the Downloads out and restart* to get my hobby items working again.  You know, the robot maker and the toy maker.  The flower bench worked for some reason.  Anyway, i pulled an allnighter and got the pesky file responsible, turned out to be a Crate Full Of Bats from InSIMinator.  I also downloaded the (ok can't think of the name) CleanUnpack thingy... you know? lol i hope you do.  And then went thru deleting the pink ones (those are copies of the same file).
I have a question about that:  Do you need the mesh file in each relevant folder, or is it ok to have the mesh in another folder, ie, will the item still work?
Hope you are all well *smiles*

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE

--- On Wed, 22/4/09, Ruby <> wrote:

From: Ruby <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Help
Received: Wednesday, 22 April, 2009, 7:46 AM

Hey guys,  is Owlsy still around. I have'nt seen a sign of her here in a while.
Click Me! 
-------Original Message-------
Date: 20/04/2009 3:42:39 p.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Help
Here is the link to the clean installer:

I don't know much abou the business stuff, so I hope this guide from the sims 2 wiki will help.

The only kind of business I ever got going were home based. Flower shops, hair salons, art galleries...

Tell your hubby good luck, running a sim business is hard work!



I sim, therefore I am.

On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 7:36 PM, Sherry IIIIIIIIII <> wrote:
 Hello everyone. I wanted to ask you all if you can help me with two things. First can someone tell me where to get the clean installer thingy it seems like its a good tool for my downloads i just didnt know what it did til now. i looked on mod the sims 2 and couldnt find the actual download. Second, my hubby was doing a business on the sims  and im not sure how that whole remote business thing works he already has a manager and everthing. but when he calls from home to check up on business he just gets some message that the manager says but he doesnt get any money. He should be making a lot but nothing..he visits the business ever couple of days and still not making any money. only when he actually does it himself. Ive searched for help to and all ive found was something about a remote business calculater download or something like that i couldnt even find that download (i would use it too) . So how are you sopposed to make money at a business? if you always have to be there that would be annoying since it takes a few to load. He wanted to own a lot of business and get rich pretty much...making money on the sims is what my hubby loves doing but since he stayed up all night trying to get his business out of the hole and make a good profit and nothing hes pretty mad at the sims right now lol so if any one knows what to do i would really appreciate it.  sorry if anything i said was confussng i ramble on a lot sometimes

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Friday, April 24, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me

Hey Ruby,
Yeah the recession is starting to hit, big firms putting off massive amounts of workers.  And they say it will get worse *sighs*.
Hey i hope you enjoy your trip.  I'm not much of a traveller, bit of a stay-at-home these days.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, hope they can do something about the cateract.  I know it will be wonderful for you to see her!

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE

--- On Sat, 25/4/09, Ruby <> wrote:

From: Ruby <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me
Received: Saturday, 25 April, 2009, 8:21 AM

Hey Owlsy, good on you... I guess the resessions hit OZ now, I'm in Nelson, been around abit due my ex being in the military, but came back here in 85
after we broke up.
Going to the UK for a 6 week trip in May, then over to Gold Coast to catch up with my daughter.
Looking forward to that. She's a tattooist, but has been told she has a cateract, all due to her being a chronic ashmatic and the
steriods from inhalers affecting her. 
Anzac today, just finished work. Cold & miserable looking outside, good time to spend on Simming
-------Original Message-------
Date: 23/04/2009 4:52:30 p.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me
Hiya Ruby,
I'm actually originally from New Zealand.  I was born in Hastings Memorial Hospital and raised in Havelock North.  I moved to Australia when i was 28, in Sydney, and five years later moved up here, northern New South Wales.  I've been in Australia 22 years now, and got citizenship about 19 years ago, so i'm a dual citizen of Australia and New Zealand.

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE

--- On Wed, 22/4/09, Ruby <> wrote:

From: Ruby <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT News about me, plus a Sims question
Received: Wednesday, 22 April, 2009, 8:30 PM

Hey Owlsy great to see you back.
What part of Oz are you from.? I'm kiwi but my daughter lives in Gold Coast
I end up with a lot of problems when I download, so I tend to stick with what came with the game... keeps it simple, but boring.
I marvel at anyone who can master the download thingy.
I needed bunks for my extended family ,but got confused,
the site was Dutch I think and I could'nt get into the link to download the mesh...well, I could but could'nt understand the process. 
Hope you get an answer to your poser, i'll follow it through as it may help me as well
-------Original Message-------
Date: 22/04/2009 7:20:44 p.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 OT News about me, plus a Sims question
I'm here, thank you for your concern.
I have been sleeping an enormous amount, obviously need it as my body makes up the lost blood. 
I'm actually feeling pretty normal again, life is good.  My iron levels are good, the doctor said the only thing i need now is time.
I've been babysitting my daughter's dog, she's just been desexed and need supervision so she doesn't chew out the staples.  She's a lovely little thing, very energetic.  She is wearing one of those plastic things around her head to stop her chewing the stitches, but i think its a little small.  My daughter turns up every day when she has to go somewhere and leaves Iggy with me.  And this weekend is a long weekend here in Australia, so i will have Iggy and her brother Max for the weekend, Thursday to Sunday.  My cats are less than impressed with Iggy, i think they are gonna go spare with 2 dogs in residence.   They are getting used to Iggy, so i'm sure they will get used to Max too (as they plot their revenge against me).
As for the Sims, i did the saga of *take half the Downloads out and restart* to get my hobby items working again.  You know, the robot maker and the toy maker.  The flower bench worked for some reason.  Anyway, i pulled an allnighter and got the pesky file responsible, turned out to be a Crate Full Of Bats from InSIMinator.  I also downloaded the (ok can't think of the name) CleanUnpack thingy... you know? lol i hope you do.  And then went thru deleting the pink ones (those are copies of the same file).
I have a question about that:  Do you need the mesh file in each relevant folder, or is it ok to have the mesh in another folder, ie, will the item still work?
Hope you are all well *smiles*

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE

--- On Wed, 22/4/09, Ruby <> wrote:

From: Ruby <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Help
Received: Wednesday, 22 April, 2009, 7:46 AM

Hey guys,  is Owlsy still around. I have'nt seen a sign of her here in a while.
Click Me! 
-------Original Message-------
Date: 20/04/2009 3:42:39 p.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Help
Here is the link to the clean installer:

I don't know much abou the business stuff, so I hope this guide from the sims 2 wiki will help.

The only kind of business I ever got going were home based. Flower shops, hair salons, art galleries...

Tell your hubby good luck, running a sim business is hard work!



I sim, therefore I am.

On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 7:36 PM, Sherry IIIIIIIIII <> wrote:
 Hello everyone. I wanted to ask you all if you can help me with two things. First can someone tell me where to get the clean installer thingy it seems like its a good tool for my downloads i just didnt know what it did til now. i looked on mod the sims 2 and couldnt find the actual download. Second, my hubby was doing a business on the sims  and im not sure how that whole remote business thing works he already has a manager and everthing. but when he calls from home to check up on business he just gets some message that the manager says but he doesnt get any money. He should be making a lot but nothing..he visits the business ever couple of days and still not making any money. only when he actually does it himself. Ive searched for help to and all ive found was something about a remote business calculater download or something like that i couldnt even find that download (i would use it too) . So how are you sopposed to make money at a business? if you always have to be there that would be annoying since it takes a few to load. He wanted to own a lot of business and get rich pretty much...making money on the sims is what my hubby loves doing but since he stayed up all night trying to get his business out of the hole and make a good profit and nothing hes pretty mad at the sims right now lol so if any one knows what to do i would really appreciate it.  sorry if anything i said was confussng i ramble on a lot sometimes

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