Hi JoNannerKins, I had the same problem with my apartments, but I have come to the conclusion that as in University an uncontrolled sim has moved in there . There is an odd Sim coming and going and has become friends with mine. Is this of any help? cheers -------Original Message------- Date: 2/04/2009 7:18:54 p.m. Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Apt troubles :( please help I have an apartment complex called Seaspray Apartments. Im pretty sure it came with the game but not completely sure. I moved my sim into one these apts and claimed a door.. A few mins go by and a message appears in the top right hand corner, saying "you need to claim an apt". I was confused because i had just done that. So i decided to go to the neighbrhood veiw and see what it said.when i got to the neighborhood view it said my sim was occupying one of these apts so only three of the four were available. I thought "ok it fixed itself" and went ahead and moved another sim in to combine them to be roomates. I then entered the lot. When i got in, i realized the game was exactly as i had left it. The door to the apt i tried to claim no long gave me the option to "rent", it now said "lock" & "unlock" but i cant see anything in the apt but the walls and floor colors. None of the furniture and decor i had put in pryor to them moving in was visable. And the message in the corner continues to appear. What do i do? How do i get the lot to recognize that i'm renting that apt already? Thanks in advance, JoJo .. Ps: michelle did u ever recieve the mcdonalds i sent? And if so, what were your thoughts? :) |
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