Monday, February 23, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT: group infighting

Owlsy! ..... Ur the best! :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Owl Songster <>
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 4:03 AM
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 OT: group infighting

I do understand Brandy, the trouble is, we are all human, therefore we all have opinions and we are not backward at expressing them! (laughing at the human condition here)
Wherever you get a group of people, you will get fights and misunderstandings, deliberate or otherwise.
I have ignored weesims ever since i got back and she tried to create attention at something i posted.  I asked her to stop communicating with or about me, yet she continued to use my name in order to get attention for herself.  Frankly i am fed up with it, and was happy to behave inappropriately and cheer SuSim on.  I would have been better to state my own case, as i am doing now.  And you may have noticed that SuSim asked for it to go from a group thing to private email so we can get back to what the group is all about... i definitely didn't help there.
There is never going to be a perfect group, but this is the closest to it that i have found.  Most of us are helpful, supportive and kind, and i value that very much.

--- On Mon, 23/2/09, Brandy Markert <> wrote:

From: Brandy Markert <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: FW: Dear Dad Letter........Brilliant
Received: Monday, 23 February, 2009, 8:35 PM

Thats the problem, everyboby always says what they think (including me) lol and it starts a fight, we use to be able to share our interest in sims but now things keep getting out of hand, I hate to see people take sides it makes the other person feel like they are being ganged up on, normally i dont comment until i see something like that... Susim was telling her that noboby should use sickness as an excuse to be cranky, But then in the same message she wrote that she had been sick too. come on everybody is cranky when they are sick.
Im not fighting im just having a normal conversation with you so please dont think im yelling at you or anyone else cause im not, its just wrong to be teamed up on... but most of what i was saying i was not talking about you, i just get tired of seeing all the fighting on here! :0)

From: Owl Songster <>
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 1:22:39 AM
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: FW: Dear Dad Letter........Brilliant

I thought that was hilarious too.
And i'm not going to make an ugly comment, but i AM going to comment, LOL.
If you mean me, SAY me... Owls... you have been behaving badly, or whatever
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