Saturday, February 28, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT: Objects-for-sims addict

  I thought that was how it went...
 That's exactly how I feel at times.
  I have been a member of this group for a whe and this is my first post (I think)
  I understand addiction is not a funny thing ( I have been there) and like you I know somebody will  go and get all bent.
     I thought it was funny.
   Hey how many of us have an addiction to the sims.... Dare I say most of us
  Peope need to remember what our parents (well atleast mine) told us when we were little.
 Just because someone does not share your oppinions does not mean theirs are wrong...
  If some of the people in this group would remember that we would spend alot more time talking about important things like how to get your sims  kids to do their home work...(just an example)
  This is a fun group to belong to but the infighting is crazy  at times .....I am not sure how it is but how many people actuall know eachother and by that I mean how many have to deal with eachother outside of this group? 
 You know this is an example of how I deal with this (differing oppinions) on a regular basis.
  I know someone won't like this but it is NOT ment against anyone..
   I do not drive so I take the bus everwhere. It never fails on Sunday if I am waiting for a certain bus that I take reguarly, I am approched by the same 2 (from different religions)people wanting to give me their religous matereal. 
  Now I do not believe in either of their religions ( I am Pagan)  but instead of causing them to feel bad in any way I just smile and say no thankyou.
  Not trying to push my belief on anyone but if we would pause and remember the pagan way....   which is to believe  "And it harm none"  We would be alot happier.
   All that means is that before you say or do something think about how it will affect others... Don't do anything that would cause harm to someone else even verbal.
  Ok I am ranting...
 Have a good day
--- On Sat, 2/28/09, Owl Songster <> wrote:
From: Owl Songster <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 OT: Objects-for-sims addict
Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 7:40 AM

Hello, my name is Owlsongster, and i am an "objects-for-sims" addict.
I can't remember how it all started... signing up, getting that first magic email... those things are lost in the mists of time.  I tried, i TRIED brothers and sisters, i was clean for four months!  Ok, admittedly that was a side-affect of my life story BUT... i TRIED.  It was no use.
It called to me.  YOU called to me.
I could do nothing but answer.  *Bows head*
I know you all have tragic, yet deep and meaningful stories to share.
Let us share the Serenity Prayer:
God, give me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
The courage to change the things i can,
And the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people who *really* piss me off!
(Oh shit!  They chanted something different!  Oh no, its ok, no-one heard me. WHEW)
*Extends arm to audience, clenches fist, raises forearm*
Peace Out
And if ya wanna get all shitty coz i'm poking fun at addiction, hey, at least i'll get some more o-f-s emails!!!!
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