Sunday, May 24, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Bon Voyage

Hi guys, it’s me again.  Can’t wait for Sims 3, counting the dates, but pretty sure it will be another year till it reaches the market here in Cairo.  Hopefully, I can buy it in Spain, where I will be spending the month of August.


Anyway, how can you get teleported in bon voyage?? I see the ninja but he doesn’t wait for my sim to communicate with him.  It happened only once he asked a riddle, which my sim gave the wrong answer, so the ninja flew away and never came back.  I was able to solve 40 out of the 45 mysteries in the game.  Missing the ninja, and learn the mountain way.   Also does anyone know the best way to increase reputation fast.  I try everything but it works with one sim but not the other.



Thank you

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