Thursday, May 21, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: Stolen meshes

more names, buntah stole from me years back. Her work is so horrible that I am surprised not more people recognized it, LOL.

Jeanne Houdyshell wrote:
Donations to free sites is a good way to support the artists who so generously share their work & time so that we do not have to use EA/Maxis stuff! Also an EA artist quit & went out on his own because he could no longer stand to work for or with EA/Maxis! Maybe he reads the fans comments & takes them to heart! jhoudy  On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 7:32 PM, SuSim Hermit <> wrote:   
Well if we are gonna name names, Shakeshaft has also stolen meshes and TSR just turns their head. Because, you know, Thoma$$ needs to pay off his second home.  Donate to free sites, they incur expenses too, but survive on donations because they make quality items and treat people with fairness and respect!  -- SuSim  I sim, therefore I am.   On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 6:39 PM, <> wrote:     
Just to let people know Adele VK an MTS2 free CC artist had her meshes stolen by a Peggy CC creator Emma who was selling Adele's work as her own! Now I don't pay for CC but if you do please don't buy stolen CC! Also TSR is well known for selling stolen CC so if I did pay that would be the last place I'd buy from! Just my opinion on stolen CC, but all the great CC creators who give their work to us free should be supported by those who download their work! Like I said just my opinion but I think that people should know whats up out there, because if you don't know you could be a victim yourself or pay for stolen CC that's free! jhoudy         

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