Wednesday, May 27, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: Bon Voyage

I have had that before. I think it has something to do with the Color Enabler Package. Try downloading the latest. I think it is 9.

From: Mary Newman <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Bon Voyage

Laura wrote:
>I am currently having issues with my sims2. I have all but 2 of the expansion packs for the game and never had any issues until now. When I open the game and am in the neighborhood view all of the grounds and backgrounds flash red like a strobe light and when I go into a house just the walls flash red. Please help because I don't know what to do. I tried to disable the custom content and still had the problem. <
Sorry to hear about this.  This is one of those 'oh, damn!' problems that I never want to have and never want any of my friends to have.  Here's a link that talks about red walls:  If an expansion pack was recently installed, then I'd try updating the drivers.  Otherwise, you're going to need to uninstall the expansion until you upgrade your card.
If this is happening without installing an expansion pack, it may be due to your video (graphics) card starting to die and it's time to replace it before it goes completely.  Sims 2 is graphics intense and you will notice card problems faster when running the game than if your just doing more normal stuff (doing emails, using a word processing program, etc.) and you may not even see problems doing normal stuff in the early stages of card death.
You might also want to make sure the card isn't getting too hot: open up your computer case (tower) and vacuum it out, making sure to get all dust, cat fur, etc. out of all fans and ventilation holes.  If it's a laptop, vacuum all openings into the machine.  Next, you'll want to get a program to check on your machine's temperatures.
There's free programs out there that you can install to let you know how hot your machine's components are getting, but I've never had to get one, so I don't have a link for you.  Maybe someone else in the group has a link?
Good luck on fixing this!
Love, Light, & Laughter,

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