Wednesday, May 20, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: Sims 3 Can you afford it?!

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WTF first they move the date back at like the last min .Now they want to charge for items that are required in game.Items That any idiot with a laptop and computer knowledge can hack and share.Have they not been to MTS2? or any free sims sites? Do they care about the fans that buy the game at all? I smell a wolverine leak from a disgruntled employee or fan in 5..4..3..2..1.
--- On Wed, 5/20/09, Sabina <> wrote:

From: Sabina <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Sims 3 Can you afford it?!
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 8:44 PM

This is not good news!  How greedy is that!!   
-------Original Message-------
Date: 21/05/2009 3:46:57 AM
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Sims 3 Can you afford it?!
wow, i wonder if we are going to be able to make objects like we do with sims 2.


SuSim wrote:
The Sims 3 game has been pirated and the comments on it are not good.
Rumors had it that it must have been an unfinished copy because of how
empty it was.
But's just greed .

The only way to get CC is from the sims store. Securom included for
free, but check out these prices...

I am sticking to my highly modded, cc filled sims 2 games and keeping
my money in my pocket.

And if anyone from Maxis/EA is reading this...BITE ME!!!


I sim, therefore I am.