Friday, May 22, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: ech-hem III review

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Thanks so much for all the reviews. I too want to boycott but ive been waiting to play too long.? what about sim inventory? that open neighborhood thing ?Damn EA for getting me

--- On Fri, 5/22/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 ech-hem III review
Date: Friday, May 22, 2009, 1:36 PM

OK! phew! wow, ok here goes.
Went over to my friend's again today, I am going back tonight too, LOL.
build mode is terrific! you can place items on an angle very easily. buy mode is terrific as far as color choices go, you can pick any color in the rainbow, even include a hex number for a specific color, that rocks, but the choices in styles are limited. The wallpaper floors and everything else is fully customizable by color, but style is lacking a bit in some. Great thing is that the beds no longer have sleep value on them!! There were so many beds in sims 2 that I couldn't ever use because they gave a sleep value of low points. Nothing in the game has point value as far as comfort hygiene, etc. Everything is the same. Children are grateful for a nice environment, but i don't think environment score is a big deal. They appreciate a nice view.
skin tones are better, but still, if you happen to have very dark skin, almost black as coal, you won't find it. The darkest is much darker than sims 2 though, thus much more realistic for some people, as the skin tone is a slider bar from ultra light to very dark, so it is a big improvement for darker skinned sims. The baby I went to see, the simmy baby, LOL, his mom is the darkest tone, his dad is the lightest tone, and he came out pretty light, i think just like the dad, maybe a just a tiny shade darker. The mom has black hair, the dad has blonde, and baby has blue eyes just like dad and blonde hair like dad, so DNA does not work exactly the same or the kid would have the moms brown eyes and mom's black hair since they are first generation sims. This kid doesn't look at all like the mom, i hope the DNA feature still works, that is one thing i really enjoyed with sims 2. Joe is going to have this couple have more babies to see if they are all carbon blonde haired copies, i hope not!

sims bodies look more realistic, but there is something i just don't like about the faces, i can't put my finger on it, but I am not complaining.
the game runs unbelievably smooth. if you click the windows button to check your mail or whatever, then click the game back, it instantaneously pops up ready to play. You can walk or drive to lots. Some lots are playable, and some your sim just goes in and you wait outside.
cheat codes work the same as before as far as control shift c, when he did it yesterday we didn't see the little cheat box at the top of the screen as it looks different than before and we just thought the game froze.
so far the only cheat he tried that worked is motherlode for 50 simoleons.
BE CAREFUL! he had to go tot he neighborhood without saving, as he had a party for the baby, and thought he was having the mom blow out the candles for the baby, but she blew them out and she aged to elder! LOL! ooops. fishing is awesome in the game, the water graphics are nice.
Interactions with ghosts is cool, you can talk with them. you do NOT have to be in love to woohoo or try for baby. There is no more diaper or bottle mess. the sims just change it or feed the baby a bottle and then it disappears.
If you go to a community lot, you can control the simmies who stayed home too. the neighborhood ages together, so you can't play one sim until he is an elder, then play his twin brother who is a toddler. This is a cool feature.
you use the keyboard arrows to move, then the mouse to scroll in and out and tilt.
They have more individualized personalities. I like this.
i watched my friend throw a party. his sim only knew 12 other sims, and all were able to come, no limit, maybe there is a limit, but there was no message saying how many he could invite. The simmies showed up, they were all dancing.
the sims have a "Special" option in the conversation where they can talk to some one about a talent or hobby they have in common, this is really an improvement, as with the sims 2 in my mock family i would talk to my elderly father about gaming, LOL. Here they share affinities.

There is a young adult stage in the game. You better believe there are gonna be expansions for seasons etc.

it is way too cool that the game finally has the feature that i always wanted, and that is the ability to visit friends and family at their houses. My friends sims started cooking in his neighbor's house and was asked to leave for being rude, LOL.
You can purchase lifetime rewards you get so many points for each lifetime event, and then you can purchase the rewards you want, like a steel bladder, LOL, good listener, etc. there are many.

Sims appreciate nice decor, but like i said above, decor doesn't come with quality points. decor is decor. they like getting new things and are no longer spoiled brats that go over to a new thing and whine at it if it is not expensive. They like music, it makes them happy. Different things naturally make them happy, so you don't have to break your butt trying to fulfill all of those aspiration wants, just a few here and there, its very nice and a lot more fun.

All in all I know i want to boycott it, but I will go and buy it the day it comes out.
More later when i think of more stuff that I forgot to say here, LOL

sharon kinsey wrote:
thats the first possitive thing ive heard about it

--- On Thu, 5/21/09, Heather Mims <> wrote:
From: Heather Mims <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: ech-hem 3
Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:21 PM

wow what about building etc?

--- On Thu, 5/21/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 ech-hem 3
Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:55 PM

went over to my friend Joe's today for a bit to see the game.
OK, well I am not judging him on what is wrong or right, just wanted to see the game. From what I saw of HIM and only him ech-hem playing was that the graphics are so much better, you get to choose makeup and skintone with a color wheel or color slider, and he didn't venture out of the house because the family he was playing needed jobs asap because of lack of cheat codes. control shift c froze the game. the game plays nice and steady, but the only drawback is that the camera angles are not great. you can't get a good close-up of a sim. i couldn't see her freckles until he went to the mirror for "change appearance"
all in all though it is good so far. i am going back over tomorrow to see the baby, (sims is preggers)
