Monday, June 15, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: Sims3 Comment

From what I heard about Sims3, is that neighbors age and eventually die.  Is that right??? Then, what happens if they all die?? It might seem like a stupid question, but I really can't imagine this game  


From: [] On Behalf Of black_panther559
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 3:59 PM
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Sims3 Comment


Hello Tim,


I actually realized that just the other day myself. I made a couple of families at one time, but as soon as you save for that ONE family in particular, then that's the only family that you can play with unless you are starting a totally new game. It is a little disappointing to have found that out. If I wasn't such a Sim-a-holic, I would probably say that this would turn me off about this game, but then again, I have the both of them up and running, so whenever I need that urge, then I just pop in the Sims2 and have at it!! LOL I totally agree with you Tim, as that was definitely something that I was not expecting to happen in this one particularly. I guess we can't have it all, huh? Something has got to suffer somewhere. 


Just as with the whole vehicle situation. In Sims2, you could actually get in the car, back it out of the driveway and then go, whereas in this one you walk to the edge of the curb, fadeout and then the car poofs on the street and there you go!! It's more of like a magic show than anything!! LOL 


It's still the best rated for me though since you can actually see the many different events going on as well as run around the town, attend classes, and just a great deal of things. It's hard to even imagine what they will come out with for this one in regards to expansions. How can you expand on something like this? That's going to be the one to look forward to!!!


Good morning/evening/afternoon my google group family!!! Hope your days are filled with peace, love, joy and prosperity!! Have a great day everyone!!!! I miss you all much!! Image removed by sender.



Happy Simming 2's and 3's!!!



--- On Mon, 6/15/09, TIM SIMPSON <> wrote:

Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Sims3 Comment
Date: Monday, June 15, 2009, 7:46 AM

One of the characteristics of Sims2 that I was really a fan of was that I had the ability to have several families and households on the go at once. It would seem to me thus far that this is not a possibility with Sims3, I have discovered I can make several Sims at one time but it would appear that I can not "play" more than one household at the same time.


Would anyone care to share with me their experiences or tips in this regard?




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