Sunday, February 15, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT Amanda

thats ok :) getting it off your chest is a good thing to do. i havent experienced anything near that bad but i understand the being scared ot get close to it, although i'm already past what i was when i lost the 1st one(approx 11-12 weeks) i still worry because there are so many people who lose it in their 20th week or even the day its due can have horrible ends to it to!......i usually go onto my pregnancy forums when i feel scared and seeing all those people who've went through a normal pregnancy(some with a few hiccups along the way) and early all of them have got children who are happy and healthy now really cheers me should check the site out actually, its good, lots of people who have lost children like you have who would love to have someone they can talk to, or someone to listen to, its also great for baby advice and stuff. I use it all the time, its called baby-gaga. check it out if you want, my profile is i rekon you'd like the site. its got a million people on it(or close to that i rekon), it can get pretty heated at times! but its usually a really great place, i think you'd fit in perfectly, and its a world-wide site so you can be sitting online talking to someone in africa about how your both having trouble getting the little one to bed :)
i hope you check it out and like it(if you do, 'parentank' me-its like adding me to friends)
and good luck when you ttc next time, make sure you tell us all when you get a positive!

Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 01:06:44 -0800
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT Amanda

When i miscarried the first time I almost lost my life, I remember losing all this blood and my aunt was telling my mom that my pulse was 25, by the time that the ambulance got there they said it had dropped to 20, when i got to the hospital it down to 18, I dont remember all that happend that night, except that when i came to, my mom kept telling me that if i wouldnt of had sexual relations with wayne (my husband now) i wouldnt had been in the situation I was in. believe it or not i was 20 then and i was still letting my mom tell me what to do.
8 months after the loss I found out I was pregnant with Nicholas (my 2 year old now) i had just turned 21 and I didnt know if i wanted to keep the baby or adopt it out, I had my whole life ahead of me, so many dreams... since I had lost the baby before, I was scared, I didnt want to get to attach to the baby for fear i wasnt going to be able to carry it full term. So many things were going through my mind... But now he is the best thing that ever happend to me, I could not see my life without him in it. i am so glad i didnt give him up, and everyday I thank the lord above for loaning me a beautiful healthy lil boy....
Thanks for listening, i guess i just needed to finally talk about it and get it off my chest!
Take care and God Bless

From: Amanda Ferguson <>
To: objects 4 sims 2 <>
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 11:48:21 PM
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT Welcome Shirls

i know, when i lost the 1st one last year, i didnt realise how much i wanted it, both have been unplanned, and at the time i lost it i had been considering adopting it out(im pro-life and against abortions) but then when i lsot it i realised that i never would ahve been able to adopt it out and i would have regretted it everyday of my life.
and thanx, i sometimes wonder wether i've spelt something right because it looks wrong to me but its the best i can do, and then i find out ive spelt it right and i get confused.....

Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 23:22:19 -0800
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT Welcome Shirls

honestly Amanda, your spelling is not that bad, we're not here to win a spelling bee, lol we just love to have each others ears and company... take care of that lil bub, you never know how precious someone or something is until you lose it! thats when you see that your world around you comes crumbling down, and theirs nothing you can do to stop it...
Take care and God Bless

From: Amanda Ferguson <>
To: objects 4 sims 2 <>
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 11:11:19 PM
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: objects_for_Sims2: Welcome Shirls

hmmm...i dont remember getting the original email that shirls sent....?
anyway, as im sure i didnt introduce myself at the time, i'm amanda, im one of the babies of the group as im only going to be 18 in april this year(the 18th coincidentally....), im about 18 weeks pregnant with a little bub(as you may have found out when poor brandy lost her lil bub). I live all the way over in australia....very hot and stuffy over here :) im TERRIBLE at spelling, so i usually jsut spell how it sounds, so u may have trouble reading ym stuff sometimes. It doesnt help that i ahve a coordination problem so a lot of my words will ahve the letters in the wrong place-as you may already have seen HAVE is a very commonly mixed word for me-but i try my best :D
anyway welcome to O4S2-and soryr its late....i sometimes delete my sims emails when theres too many and jsut read the last of the topic...
oh and a tip for the downloads-i ahve mine set up in 2 original folders isnide my downloads folder. one called 'unzipped' and one called 'to be unzipped', veyr self explanatory, but basically the RAR files go straight into to unzipped folder(where i have other subfolders for each site like owl and most of us do, and then inside each of those folders i have 'downloads' and 'mods' so that if i have any problems i can look to see what mods i have that may be cnflicting-veyr useful!) the zipped files go into the 'to be unzipped' and then are unzipped into the appropriate folder...... if you can understand that then its useful :)

Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 22:03:14 -0800
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: objects_for_Sims2: Welcome Shirls

Welcome Shirls!
This is a great group, for learning about the Sims and for sharing and caring... good for a laugh too.
Downloads:  Zip files need an unpack proggy like Winzip, RAR files need WinRAR, you can get both for free online, just google em.
Package files are prepacked Sims packaging, you double click on them and they unpack to where the files are supposed to be.  I put those in my Downloads first, but i'm unsure if i actually *have* to. 
Once unpacked, all packages (Zip,RAR, Package) can be discarded, but i actually save all those in a huge folder, with subfolders of where i got them (yeah, yeah, just call me anal, laffin) and eventually save them to disc.
All downloads go into your Downloads file, My Documents/EA Games/(can't remember if there is a Sims here, my Sims is on my other puter)/Downloads.  If there is no "Downloads" folder, create it..  You will also need the CEP (colour enable package) for your custom content to show up in-game, which you can get here:
You will need to register at Mod The Sims, but its free.
I am 50, female, divorced, and with a mental disability (hey, i'm mad, not stupid!), and i think you are gonna love it here, i know i do!

--- On Wed, 21/1/09, Shirls L <> wrote:

From: Shirls L <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT .... When do you go back to work?
Received: Wednesday, 21 January, 2009, 10:22 AM

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Hi, I am a new member to this group and am hoping to find not only some great tips and how to download stuff for Sims 2, but also some great new friends!
I am divorced lady, age 55, disabled and I spend a lot of time at Pogo games and of course with my Sims 2 game!!
I have downloaded some houses, and a few other things, but some of them don't work and I don't know why.  Guess I don't understand the whole process of where to put them, etc... and some are like Zip files and some are like pack? files..
so I don't know why some work and some dont..
Also I have downloaded the SeeThem2 and that is a nice little program!  The naked sims parts doesn't work, tho   
So .... I hope to get to know some of you; and hope to find some good tricks and tips, and also hope to maybe even design some stuff in my spare time!  I'd love to learn!
So hello everyone!!
Nice to meet some fellow sims2 lovers


--- On Tue, 1/20/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT .... When do you go back to work?
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 11:52 AM

That was very sweet, LW!  I'm glad you are among us!
In a message dated 1/20/2009 7:35:40 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
You know what Bren, you almost made me tear with that one (yes, I said that and don't ever let someone tell you that men don't cry, because if they do, then they aren't being a REAL man!!!), and I will definitely miss all of you way too much to even talk about right now. I'm trying to pridefully keep it cool though, (which is what we men do to try and hide the fact that we do have a soft side, after all, where do you think God got it from when he made the woman from us...had to be in us in order to pull it out into them, right? think about it...) and try to not let it get the best of me. LOL!!
You all are the best of the best, and I can't believe I actually found a pot of gold (you all) when I signed into that sims site. As I said in my very first email, I've NEVER been a part of any kind of groups at all, and when this happened it was actually by accident because I didn't even know that it was like a group thing. Now, I wish I had a different job situation where I didn't have to have the type of schedule that I do.. Okay, I'm going to let you all know something and let's keep it to just us...
To answer your question, I was supposed to be back this week, and I told everyone that last week, but because of this group, (and I know some of you may say that was really dumb and it's not even that serious, but...) I actually had to do one more week because I couldn't believe the kind of people that are really out there that can be so great just because. For someone in my situation, I have friends, but not really because I've lost connection with them due to my schedule at work. Therefore, I'm actually like by myself now for the most part. I play sims for maybe an hour between time of working and coming home getting ready for the next day....
And yada yada yada...anyway, nobody asked for a sob story, right? LOL!! Well, I appreciate this very much, and again, as I already said, I believe I've found a family in you all (not that I don't have my own...) and for the last going on 2 weeks now, I've had one of the greatest experiences of my life, just talking with you all, and sharing with each other. I will definitely miss everyone, and I will try to keep in touch as much as possible. I'll probably just end up sending all of my messages around midnight (CST), but I'm still gonna make that effort because you all just ROCK!!! (Elmos Spongos, and Charlie Brownseses...LOL)
Luv all of you (my google group family)!!!  Go Sims!!!

--- On Tue, 1/20/09, Brenda Sherfey <> wrote:
From: Brenda Sherfey <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT .... When do you go back to work?
To: "Brenda Sherfey" <>
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 6:44 AM

 LW when do you go back to work? We are so gonna miss you round here! You would not guess what I did, I kept telling myself to back up my downloads but I put it off for another day and wham, boom, bang, I just lost it all #*^#!!! Boo Hoo now I have to start all over! Please all do not forget to back everything up! wesims2player

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 07:06:40 -0500
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT .... Navajo tacos

ya ya ya gaaaahlic yayayayayaya!!!!  yumz .....after you chop garlic do you smell your fingers? Then you are a garlic lover.

black_panther559 wrote:
You know, Chanda is right. You can also add the option of 3 cloves garlic, (finely chopped and sauteed in oil) which you would add to the onion and meat as well.  There are so many different ways you can make that. I just listed the base of the recipe.
Sorry about that, for all of you gaaaahlic (as puterwitch nicely puts it) fans out there!!  See, even chefs don't have all of the right answers and can learn from other people, right?  Much luv for you all (my google group family)!!
From: <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: OT .... Navajo tacos
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 5:35 AM

you forgot the gaaaahlic!!!!  must have gaaaaahlic!!

wilma freeman wrote:
This is how you make it....
1 lb. ground beef
1 onion, minced
2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
Dash of Tabasco sauce
Pinto beans, cooked and seasoned
Grated cheese
Shredded lettuce
Chopped tomatoes
Combine meat, onion, salt, pepper, and Tabasco sauce. Brown in a skillet; cover and simmer while making Indian fry bread.
2 eggs
1 c. milk
4 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
Beat eggs; add milk. Stir in flour, salt, and baking powder mixing well.. Roll out dough very thin on floured board. Cut into desired shapes.
Fry in deep fat until brown. Drain on absorbent paper. In center of one fry bread put two tablespoons pinto beans; top with meat sauce, lettuce, and tomatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Serve hot.
The fry bread is good to eat as bread with any meal. Enjoy!!


--- On Tue, 1/20/09, JoNannerKins <> wrote:

From: JoNannerKins <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 OT .... Navajo tacos
To: "objects-for-sims@googlegroups. com" <>
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 3:09 AM

Hi everyone, a coulple of weeks ago someone posted the recipe for Navajo Tacos and i had planned on trying it out but i accidently deleted the message. So if anyone could re-post that for me, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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