why do you even wanna be on this site, susim just tells it like it is ,if you dont like take your self of the group ive found her very helpful,as im sure many others have and im sure there are more people than not who feel that way, i think you rock su! keep telling it like it is.and thanks for all the help.
--- On Sun, 6/14/09, SuSim Hermit <ladyhermit@gmail.com> wrote:
From: SuSim Hermit <ladyhermit@gmail.com> Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Fwd: Whats the problem? To: objects-for-sims@googlegroups.com Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 4:06 PM
I don't much care what gossips say. I am not here to be popular, just to help people. SuSim I sim, therefore I am. http://lmgtfy.com/ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jeanne Houdyshell <jhoudy@gmail.com> Date: Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 2:35 PM Subject: Whats the problem? To: ladyhermit < ladyhermit@gmail.com> So are you afraid that the group will not like you if you are wrong about something? Is that why you won't let my post go through? Because if that's it you don't have to worry about that, even though they may kiss ass on group everyone of them tells it like it really is off group! LOL you should see the things they say about you off group ROTFLMAO!!! Knowing you you might even get a kick out of it!
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