Thursday, February 25, 2010

Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Hello!

Thanks so much Owlsy, I have a Kiwi friend who is much younger than me living in Melbourne Oz, she has Chronic Fatigue Syn.. so much worse off than me .
Not much info can be gained in NZ about these conditions so she has sent me links, great, and she is incapacitated, wicked illness, but she manages to get to her laptop 5 mins a day,  she dosen't play Sims, no energy.
So there are others worse off.
And she dosent complain, I admire her.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 26/02/2010 5:09:14 AM
Subject: Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Hello!
Thank you for your kind words *smiles*  I was trying to share my experiences AND get feedback... ok i did the first part, just a lil long for the second *grins*
I am so sorry you have Fibromyalgia.  I understand there is no cure, just management.  Your attitude towards it is great!  What cannot be cured must be endured, but a great attitude is the best way to deal with whatever you have to.
Biggg hugggsss

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE - OK, OK, "and" NEW ZEALAND *grins*

--- On Thu, 25/2/10, Ruby <> wrote:

From: Ruby <>
Subject: Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Hello SuSim!
Received: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 5:34 AM

you are doing fine Owlsy, your caring attitude is showing through, not many can do that in words, I applaud you.
Also sorry for you SuSim, It is terrible to have head problems. I have been dianosed with Fibromyalgia. part of which is brain fog. I
never have a clear head so storage is limited, lol .Like my C drive


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