Sunday, February 21, 2010

Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Me

I am so sorry Ruby, that loss just hits you like a truck.  And although it has been more than a year now, and i am enjoying life, there are times i just start crying because i miss her so.  Huggsssss you tight.
I am so glad your mother found happiness in her last years *smiles*.  And sorry it took so long for you to find out about her death.  My sister made a dvd of Mum's funeral and the surrounding days too, it was awesome.  My sister sent me a little container of part of Mum's ashes too.  The rest were scattered, but i've kept that lil part of her.  I think i'll have it added to my ashes when i go.
Please pass on my condolances to your partner at the loss of his father and nephew.
Yes, you never know.  Life is sweet, and we just take it all for granted, till something like this happens.  But human beings are so resiliant, we get over it and go back to taking it all for granted *grins*.
You take care,
Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE - OK, OK, "and" NEW ZEALAND *grins*

--- On Sun, 21/2/10, Ruby <> wrote:

From: Ruby <>
Subject: Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Me
Received: Sunday, 21 February, 2010, 7:28 PM

Great email Owlsy, read it right through and know where you're coming from.
My mother passed on June last year.
There was no will as such as she had married again at age 85.
The guy is 12 yrs younger, but she was very happy in the last 5 years.
They pooled their funds and bought a house together with my mum at age 90.
I thought not a good time for her as by that time she was bed ridden, but it was much easier for him.
her illness was taking it s toll on him and pushing her uphill was soo difficult ( he had rented out his house and moved in with her, initially,)
They were only in their new house for 6 weeks when she moved out of this world. I was overseas at the time and out of reach of mobile coverage or computer link. So did'nt find out till the day before her funeral.
However, my brother had a DVD made to cover it., which was really good.
My partner has since lost his 20 yr old nephew to a heart attack, he was in the airforce and had passed wit flying colours (pardon the pun) 2 medicals.
Also his dad passed away the Oct the year before.
You just never know aye.
great to be back with the Simming bunch......woohooo




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