Monday, February 22, 2010

Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Me

Windows 7 is better. 

From: Owl Songster <>
Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 8:33:23 PM
Subject: Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Me

Wow Marcia, sounds like you have been in the wars.  I am so sorry you have been battling with the flu and hope you have a full recovery soon.  It sounds like you are on the last leg of that, and i'm very happy you're getting over it.  I have a visual of you as Antibiotic Woman! *grins*
Reformatting... yukkkk, i hate it.  I hope Windows 7 works out better for you than vista.  I'm still on XP and i remember how i hated it when it first came out, lolz.  We used to call it Xtra Problems.  I don't know anything about vista vs Windows 7, could you fill me in on the differences and why Windows 7 is better?
The only place i have ever seen snow in bulk is on a ski-field.  We do SEE snow where i live now, about once every 3 years or so... in fact 2 winters back, we had a whole ..what.. from memory 1 minute of snowfall.  Luckily a friend phoned or i would have missed it. (and NO weather fairies, this does NOT mean i want to see what 4 feet of snow looks like in my town!)
You take care of you
Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE - OK, OK, "and" NEW ZEALAND *grins*

--- On Sun, 21/2/10, Marcia <> wrote:

From: Marcia <>
Subject: Re: objects_for_Sims2 OT Me
Received: Sunday, 21 February, 2010, 1:27 AM

I'm still here, lurking as always.  I had to reformat my laptop, so I put windows 7 on it instead of that darn vista, hopefully by tomorrow I'll have all my simmies on it as well.     We were bombarded by snow as well here in Indiana and drama wise, I am trying to recover from that H1N1   I don't think I've ever been so sick in my life.  I didn't even want to go to the Dr for fear of passing it along, so after the initial testing,  I just phoned and they would send in the scripts for me to take.  With all the antibiotics in me,  I shouldn't get sick now for at least a year or two :)
It's good to see you back Owlsy I love the snowman

-------Original Message-------
texas got a really good record snowfall a week ago ill attach a picture of the snowman that my grandson and brother and nephew built texas still of course, they had to use 2 by 4s to to put the second half up lol, but im doing great thanks for asking and im glad your back in the swing of things as well.




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