Saturday, July 18, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Question about The Sims Pet Stories...

Hello All,


Not sure if any of you have this one or the answer to my question but here goes… I recently installed The Sims Pet Stories for my step daughter to play but we only have her every other weekend and after seeing her play I’ve decided I’d like to give it a go myself but I don’t want to mess up her game info.  So, the question is any idea where the user data gets saved so I can move it to a folder for her and start my own (then switch it out when she’s here)… if I hadn’t sent the disc home with her I would just install a second copy to a different location.  I like it much better in Sims 1 and Sims 3 that you can save multiple copies right in the game.


Thanks in advance!


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