Thursday, July 9, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: where is everyone??????????????????????

Hi Guys,
I've been catching up on my courses  I missed while travelling, but I checked in at my emails daily and the group
 mails have been sparce.
Maybe everyones concentrating on their new Sims3.
It's pretty expensive over here right now.
There is a sale on at the games shop while the school hols are on, but it's still $89NZ 
They say I need a bigger graphics card for Sims3.
My lap top Data (D: is full with Sims2 and holiday pictures. And my laptop is a 3gb.
My geeks coming around to check out my system. LolClick Me!cheers
-------Original Message-------
Date: 10/07/2009 5:13:04 a.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: where is everyone??????????????????????
It's always a good thing when there are no game problems, but it does get quiet.

I did end up getting the cool plumbob flashdrive with the collectors edition of Sims 3, but I never installed the game.
My guy did and played for almost a week and said he liked it. I asked him for a review to post, but he hasn't yet and I haven't seen him playing it lately...

Remember the Pleasant twins, Lilith and Angela? They each had twins in my game, Angela had girls and Lilith had boys!

What's new with you, Roy?

I sim, therefore I am.

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:24 AM, roy pearson <> wrote:

I've not had any mail from the group for two days now. What's going on, guys?


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