Saturday, July 18, 2009

objects_for_Sims2 Re: Wut i did on my break from this group

Ohh my gosh, thank you all for replying. I've really been missing you all.
It's winter here in NZ, cold and blustery, but some sun, so I've got my partner and friends to move my greenhouse (it's
empty at the mo) waiting for some action from me to get nursery plants in.
We have purchassed a sleepout, that I can use to take in sewing jobs,
plus hide away hopefully with my laptop and play Sims.
cheersClick Me!for those who miss Micheal.
I do.Click Me! 
-------Original Message-------
Date: 19/07/2009 11:07:34 a.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Wut i did on my break from this group
Good luck Chanda!

I sim, therefore I am.

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 5:35 PM, <> wrote:
i have been so busy with work and home.
i am starting up a business on the side too, whichis taking me forever to get started.
wish me luck.

Ruby wrote:
Hi Guys,  Where's everyone else?????????? my mail box has been empty for a while.
I feel lonely.
Or is everyone concentrating on sims3? Or enjoying summer where you are??
saying a big "Hi"  to  all in the group
-------Original Message-------
Date: 18/07/2009 2:03:43 a.m.
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Wut i did on my break from this group
*smiles* yes i did, thank you SuSim.
I usually save every time the Sim i am playing sleeps, or around 3am Simtime if i have a family whose members are up all hours.  That way, on the months i'm not doing the housekeeping, i don't lose too much if/when it crashes *grins*

Save the Earth!!! .... It's the only planet with CHOCOLATE

--- On Fri, 17/7/09, SuSim Hermit <> wrote:

From: SuSim Hermit <>
Subject: objects_for_Sims2 Re: Wut i did on my break from this group
Received: Friday, 17 July, 2009, 10:43 PM

But you did fix it yourself, and cleaned up your downloads to boot!
Are you remembering to save often? I hear sims 3 really reinforces that point!

I sim, therefore I am.


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